የኢትዮጵያ ጥበቃ አካባቢዎች

አቢጃታ-ሻላ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ

የአቢጃታ-ሻላ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ  በዓለም ላይ ካሉት እጅግ በጣም ቆንጆ ብሔራዊ ፓርኮች አንዱ ነው። የዝዋይ  -  ሻሸመኔ አውራ ጎዳና ከአዲስ አበባ  በስተደቡብ በ200 ኪሎ ሜትር ርቀት ላይ  የሚገኝ  ሲሆን 887 ካሬ ኪሎ ሜትር ርዝመት ያለው   የስምጥ  ሸለቆ ሀይቆች አቢጃታ   እና  ሻላ ይገኙበታል። ሁለቱ ሀይቆች የሚለያዩት በሶስት ኪሎ ሜትር ደጋማ መሬት ነው። እራስ

ዓላማው የዱር አራዊትን ለመጠበቅ ቢሆንም፣ ጥቂት የዱር እንስሳት እዚያ ሊታዩ ይችላሉ። በግርግሩ ወቅት  የደርግ ንያላ  እና በርካታ ሰጎኖች በበረንዳው አካባቢ በታጠረ አጥር ውስጥ እንዲቆዩ ቢደረግም ከዚህ አጥር ውጭ ግን ከአንድ ኢንች በላይ የሆነ ሳር አይታይም። ሆኖም ግን, በማስረጃ ውስጥ በጣም ጥቂት የወፍ ዝርያዎች ነበሩ. የፓርኩ ሰራተኞች እንዳሉት የሀገሪቱ መንግስት ዘላኖቹን ከፓርኩ ውጭ በሆነ ቦታ ለማስፈር እቅድ ነድፎ እየሰራ ቢሆንም ይህ እቅድ ግን ያልተወሰነ ይመስላል። ከሁለቱ ሀይቆች በተጨማሪ የዚህ ብሄራዊ ፓርክ ቀዳሚ መስህብ በአቢጃታ ሀይቅ ሰሜናዊ ምስራቅ ጥግ ላይ የሚገኙ በርካታ ፍል ውሃዎች እና ብዛት ያላቸው  ፍላሚንጎዎች ናቸው። በሐይቁ ላይ. በደረቅ ጭቃ ላይ ያለው ቀጭን ቅርፊት ያለ ማስጠንቀቂያ ሊሰጥ ስለሚችል ተሽከርካሪዎችን ወደዚህ ሀይቅ ጫፍ ለማሽከርከር ጥንቃቄ መደረግ አለበት። ገዥው አካል ሊቃረብ ነው፣ ብዙ ቁጥር ያላቸው ዘላኖች የተዳከመውን ማዕከላዊ ስልጣን ተጠቅመው ወደ ፓርኩ ገብተው ከከብቶቻቸው ጋር መኖርያ አቋቋሙ። የፓርኩ ሰራተኞች እ.ኤ.አ. በ2005 እንደተናገሩት እነዚህ ዘላኖች 15,000 የሚያህሉ የቀንድ ከብቶች በፓርኩ ውስጥ ባሉ ገደቦች ውስጥ ነበሩ። አንድ

መጋጠሚያዎች ፡ 7  °30′N፣ 38°30′E

ተጨማሪ ያንብቡ >

አዋሽ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ

ቦታ፡ ኢትዮጵያ
የቅርብ ከተማ አዋሽ
አካባቢ፡ 756 ኪ.ሜ
የተቋቋመው፡- በ1966 ዓ.ም

Awash National Park is one of the National Parks of Ethiopia. Located at the southern tip of the Afar Region, this park is 225 kilometers east of Addis Ababa (and a few kilometers west of Awash), with its southern boundary along the Awash River, and covers at least 756 square kilometers of acacia woodland and grassland. The Addis Ababa – Dire Dawa highway passes through this park, separating the Illala Saha Plains to the south from the Kudu Valley to the north.

The Awash National Park was established in 1966, although the act authorizing its existence was not completely passed for another three years. Wildlife in this park include the East African OryxSoemmerring’s GazelleDik-dik, and the lesser and greater Kudus, as well as over 350 species of native birds. In the upper Kudu Valley at Filwoha are hot springs amid groves of palm trees.

Coordinates9°20′N, 40°20′E

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Bale Mountains National Park

The Bale Mountains National Park is a national park in the Oromia region of southeast Ethiopia. Created in 1970, this park covers about 2,200 square kilometers of the Bale Mountains to the west and southwest of Goba.

Bale Mountains contains three distinct ecoregions: the northern plains, bush and woods; the central Sanetti Plateau lying at over 4000 meters ; and the southern Harenna Forest, known for its mammalsamphibians and birds including many endemicSanetti Plateau is home to the largest population of the rare and endangered Ethiopian wolves. species. The central

Coordinates6°40′N, 39°40′E

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Mago National Park

IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location: Ethiopia
Area: 2162 km²
Established: 1979

Mago National Park is one of the National Parks of Ethiopia. Located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region about 782 kilometers south of Addis Ababa, the 2162 square kilometers of this park are divided by the Mago River, a tributary of the Omo River, into two parts. The park is 115 kilometers north of Murele and 40 kilometers southwest of Jinka. All roads to and from the park are unpaved.

The Mago National Park was established in 1979, making it the newest of Ethiopia’s several National Parks. Its territory embraces savannaacacia forest, and the Neri Swamp. Its highest point is Mount Mago. The park’s perhaps best known attraction are the Mursi people, who inhabit villages along the Omo, known for piercing their lips and inserting disks made of clay.

Coordinates5°40′N, 36°10′E

Nechisar National Park

IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location: Ethiopia
Nearest city: Arba Minch
Area: 514 km²
Established: 1974

Nechisar National Park is one of the National Parks of Ethiopia. Located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region immediately to the east of Arba Minch, its 514 square kilometers of territory include the “Bridge of God” (an isthmusAbaya and Chamo), the Nechisar plains to the east of the lakes. between Lakes

Nechisar National Park was established in 1974. Wildlife in the park include HartebeestPlains ZebraGrant’s GazelleDik-dik, and the Greater Kudu. A stretch of the northwest shore of Lake Chamo is known as Crocodile Market, where hundreds of Crocodiles gather to sun themselves.

Omo National Park

Omo National Park is one of the National Parks of Ethiopia. Located in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region on the west bank of the Omo River, the park covers approximately 4,068 square kilometers. About 870 kilometers southwest of Addis Ababa, this park is not easily reachable, although an airstrip was recently built near the park headquarters on the Mui River.

The lower reaches of the Omo river were declared a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1980, after the discovery of the earliest known fossil fragments of Homo Sapiens that have been dated at circa 190,000 years old.

Coordinates6°00′N, 35°50′E

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Semien Mountains National Park

IUCN Category II (National Park)
Location: Ethiopia
Coordinates: 13 ° 11 ′ ″ N, 38 ° 4 ′ ″ E
Area: 220 km²
Established: 1969

Semien Mountains National Park is one of the National Parks of Ethiopia. Located in the Semien Gondar Zone of the Amhara Region, its territory covers the Semien Mountains and includes Ras Dashan, the highest point in Ethiopia and fourth-highest in Africa.

It is home to a number of species, including the Ethiopian wolfGelada Baboon, and the Walia Ibex.

It was one of the first sites to be made a World Heritage Site by UNESCO (1978); however, due to serious population declines of the characteristic native species, in 1996 it was also added to the List of World Heritage Sites in danger.

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Yangudi Rassa National Park

የያንጉዲ ራሳ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ ከኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ፓርኮች  አንዱ   ነው  ። በአፋር ክልል ውስጥ የሚገኘው  5000 ካሬ ኪሎ ሜትር ግዛቱ  የያንጉዲ ተራራ  እና አካባቢው  የራስሳ ሜዳን ያጠቃልላል

ይህ ብሔራዊ ፓርክ በ  1977 ታቅዶ ነበር, ነገር ግን ይህንን ፓርክ በይፋ ለማቋቋም የሚያስፈልጉት እርምጃዎች ከ 2002 ጀምሮ አልተጠናቀቁም  . የአዋሽ  -  አሰብ አውራ መንገድ የያንጉዲ ራሳ ብሔራዊ ፓርክን ያቋርጣል ፣  የአዋሽ ወንዝንም  ያቋርጣል  ።

መጋጠሚያዎች ፡ 11  °00′N፣ 40°50′E

ምንጭ፡ ዊኪፔዲያ